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STAINED GLASS IS A UNIQUE MEDIUM in the way that it is seen. It refracts light through what is technically a liquid; stained glass often does look like frozen water. Many people before me have been captivated by its colors and designs. In the medieval period it reached a pinnacle in cathedrals throughout Europe.

THERE WAS A SECOND BLOSSOMING which began in the late 19th century when a new period of Art Glass creativity was launched. Artists such as Louis Comfort Tiffany not only designed for churches but brought the beauty of stained glass, blown glass and functional art into homes.

ANOTHER BURST OF ACTIVITY began in the contemporary period starting in the mid-20th century and it continues. A new approach was taken in this modern period. Artists and craftspeople began choosing the smaller studios over large studios to work with glass and other medium. Often they consider themselves “self taught” by working with other artists to gain information and share ideas. This allowed artists to enjoy artisic freedom and the personal satisfaction of accomplishment by creating and then seeing the completed artwork.

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